Panels on Panels by John Smith


In addition to having our focus pragmatically geared toward proliferating high quality, cost-effective solar panel installations, the Region Solar mind is an imaginative one with a proclivity towards creating fun and engaging content for our customers, employees and other stakeholders alike.  This creative bent coupled with our tendency to simply like cool stuff led us to a very natural collaboration with a young and budding comic writer by the name of John Smith.  In Panels on Panels, John’s narratives aim to portray the ethos and utility of the Region Solar project.  In fact, you’ll see in his comic strips the embodiment of the ideals to which Region Solar aspires.  Namely ingenuity ,disruption of the status quo, integrity and perhaps most importantly, fun!   

About the Creator

“John Smith is a force of a nature - a phenomenon, and he’s just put the old guard at Comic-Con on notice.” - The Region Solar Team 

We are thrilled to welcome comic writer John Smith as a contributor to The Region Solar team. John was diagnosed with autism at a very young age, and although having autism presents unique challenges for John, he does not let his diagnosis define or limit him.  At just 15 years of age, the prodigy out of Fishers, Indiana has been making a name for himself in the Indianapolis region over the last several years with award winning work at the Nickel Plate Comic Book in a Day Challenge and collaborations with professional artists such as Yuri Duncan (“The Far Out Mind Warp Variety Show”) and Erik Lundorf (“The Hatmaker”). Always a whirlwind of creativity, John brings fun and inspiration to the team with his Panels on Panels series.  When John is not contributing his energy towards comics, he enjoys video games, Lego projects and is an avid practitioner of taekwondo.