Our Principles
In a world with way too many rent-seekers, fly-by-night opportunists, and sales charlatans we think it’s pretty awesome that we’re a purpose driven company. We’re not perfect and have no delusions that we ever will be, but these are some of the core tenants we believe in and strive towards.
Add Value
“Do not try to become a person of success, but try to become a person of value” - Albert Einstein
Too many in our society tend to put the horse before the cart and focus first and foremost on how they can make a quick buck and quickly become “successful” irrespective of the value their product or service provides to the customer and society. Types like these concern themselves mostly with questions like “Will it sell?” and “How much money can we make?” rather than questions like “Is our product valuable?” or “Is our product good for the community?” In other words, the ends always tend to justify the means. Call us old fashioned, but we believe operating a business shouldn’t be merely a get rich mechanism (every man out for himself and everything else be damned), but an endeavor undertaken deliberately when an entity has something of value to offer to their customers and community over time. In short, we’re in this for the long haul and we’re fully committed to focusing on the long-term value that we add to all Region Solar stakeholders rather than being merely a “successful” flash in the pan.
“In science you need to understand the world. In business you need others to misunderstand it” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Sadly, many businesses often benefit from and even try to actively exploit the relative ignorance of their customers. On this point, we again seek to operate in the opposite fashion. As proponents of our industry who have a vested interest in good business practices, we strive to educate our customers and we take a transparent, consultative approach to generating new business. We believe that a well educated customer is a good customer and a misinformed customer who got burned will justifiably steer numerous others away from making similar mistakes.
Give Your Best
From the initial consultation to the project installation we pride ourselves in always giving our best effort. We don’t cut corners and generally don’t think too highly of the phrase “good enough”. Our customers invest in our systems and our craftsmanship often to the tune of thousands of dollars and decades of time. Rest assured that we don’t take your investment or your relationship with us lightly. We constantly work to instill and reinforce a company culture of always giving you our best.